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Donating Blood
Woman Donating Blood
Volunteers on Construction Site

CERT Classes

Are you an adult willing to help neighbors in the event of a major disaster?

Are you interested in learning new skills that can save lives and property?

Will you work within guidelines and collaboratively with other CERT volunteers?

Do you have judgement and/or experience that can help in a disaster?

Then CERT training is for you!

Training to gain knowledge and skills for CERT is again available locally. 

Bodega Bay CERT, in cooperation with Northern Sonoma County CERT, is sponsoring the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) approved program for Community Emergency Response Training (CERT). Basic (hybrid = online + hands-on) and advanced skill courses are being offered, free of charge.  Graduates will receive certificates and will be involved in regularly scheduled neighborhood and community-wide exercises.  Persons who have previously taken CERT courses are welcome to participate to refresh their skills. 


Persons new to CERT are encouraged to enroll as soon as possible in the free Online Introduction to CERT course available from the University of Utah School of Medicine:  Please register here for the English version: or here for the Spanish version:


The in-person, hands-on portion will be held on two Saturdays, March 25 and April 1, 2023 in Bodega Bay, from 9:00 AM to 4:30PM each day. 


For more information or to sign up for the in-person portion, please contact George Flores, or Geoff Peters,


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