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CERT Classes

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Help Neighbors During a Disaster
Become a Community Emergency Response Team volunteer 
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About Different CERT Classes/Trainings

About FEMA IS 317 Course

FEMA is 317

"Introduction to Community Emergency Response Teams," IS-317, is an independent study course that serves as an introduction to CERT for those wanting to complete training or as a refresher for current team members. It takes between six and eight hours to complete the course. Those who successfully finish it will receive a certificate of completion. It has six modules with topics that include:

  • Introduction to CERT

  • Fire Safety

  • Hazardous Material and Terrorist Incidents

  • Disaster Medical Operations

  • Search

  • Rescue

Volunteers new to CERT must first complete the online course offered FREE by the University of Utah.  Register here for the English version

Register here for the Spanish version โ€‹

About CERT Basic

About CERT Basic

The foundation of the CERT Program is FEMA’s CERT Basic Training Course, which provides a baseline of knowledge for all CERT members. This national training curriculum educates the public about emergency preparedness and teaches basic emergency response skills. Completing the course prepares the public to safely assist family, friends, neighbors, co-workers or fellow students before professional first responders arrive, whether or not the trainee joins a CERT team.  Those who join a CERT team may also participate in organized activities (community service opportunities) that are not part of an emergency response, such as distributing preparedness materials.  In an emergency, CERT members may be called upon to assist professional responders with operational activities under the command and control of an affiliated or sponsoring local government agency

About CPR & First Aid Courses

About CPR & First Aid

Students in these courses learn how to provide basic care to both children and adults during choking incidents and cardiac emergencies. Some first aid and CPR classes are available through certificate or associate degree programs in emergency medical technology or fire technology. Certification courses must be Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) approved to be valid, and are usually effective for two years.


First Aid and CPR courses cover these fundamental concepts:

  • Basic Life Support

  • Bloodborne Disease Transmission

  • How to Heal Burns, Cuts and Injuries

  • Identifying Risks in the Workplace

  • How to Use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

  • Pediatric Caregiving

  • Responding to Heart and Respiratory Emergencies

HAM Radio

About HAM Radio

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Bodega Bay CERT has approximately 30 licensed ham radio operators equipped with portable ham radios that are used during emergencies such as earthquakes to survey our area for damage and injured people.  These operators communicate with the Emergency Operations Center at our local fire house, who then pass on this information on to the first responders.


Anyone wishing to join our ham network can email us.  We can always use more trained ham operators.

How To Sign Up & Get Certified!
How To: Basic CERT Training

CERT training covers basic information and skills that are important to prepare for disasters, including when emergency services are not available. With training and practice, you will be better able to protect yourself and your family, and to help others. During a government-declared disaster, you may be called-upon (activated) to serve with a team of other volunteers to help as needed. 

Once you have completed Basic CERT training, you are eligible to become a government Disaster Services volunteer (DSW).  In Bodega Bay, CERTs are a key part of a team of volunteers that staff emergency shed operations in local neighborhoods.  

Bodega Bay CERT offers Basic CERT training in collaboration with Northern Sonoma County CERT, which is recognized by FEMA and HazReady, and is listed as the CERT organization of record. Basic CERT training takes a total of about 28 hours and is offered as a combination (hybrid) of online and in-person coursework. 

Step One: Complete Online Training

The online portion, offered by the Utah HazReady program, is the first step. This 12 hour course covers the essentials of emergency preparedness, the CERT organization, incident command system, disaster medical operations, light search and rescue, fire safety and more.


The ONLINE TRAINING – CERT 3.0 en course is available at this website:  ONLINE TRAINING - CERT 3.0.  


  • THEN SELECT: “Northern Sonoma County CERT” as the organization


Registration is free, but participants must pass brief, fairly simple tests after each section in order to receive a certificate of completion. You will need to provide a copy of your certificate of completion for the online course, along with your registration materials for the in-person CERT training.

Step Two: Complete In-Person Training

The in-person (hands-on) portion is offered periodically in Bodega Bay and other locations in Sonoma County. The training involves 16 hours over two days and provides hands-on experience, supervised by a local expert, using mannequins and equipment to simulate basic search and rescue, damage assessment, first aid, CPR, AED, control bleeding, splinting, medical triage, extinguishing small fires, and more.   


CERT hands-on training is free; however, each volunteer is requested to pay a one-time $75 fee for their own equipment (helmet, vest, CERT backpack, gloves, guidebook, and more). If the cost is a hardship, the fee can be waived, on request. 

To Resister For In-Person CERT Training:
  1. Send your request, including your full name, phone number, and address to: George Flores, BB CERT Training Director, 

  2. Include a copy of your certificate of completion for the online Basic CERT course described above.

  3. Include the completed NoSoCo CERT combined registration materials packet:  

  4. Include a copy of a passport-type photo.

  5. Your check for $75, or fee waiver request can be submitted at the first class.

Previously-Trained CERTs

Volunteers who have completed Basic CERT training are expected to maintain their skills with regular participation in events and drills sponsored by a CERT organization. If it has been more than 3 years since your Basic CERT training, it is strongly recommended that CERT volunteers repeat at least the hands-on training component.  Hands-on training in Bodega Bay is open to all CERT volunteers at no cost, but pre-registration is required to assure that space is available.  To reserve your spot, contact George Flores at

Sign Up CERT

PO Box 451, Bodega Bay, CA 94923

BBCERT is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation exempt from federal tax under section 501 (c) (3 ) of the Internal Revenue Code.


© 2024 by BBCERT

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