Bodega Bay Emergency Sheds
During emergencies such as large floods, tsunamis and earthquakes, Bodega Bay is often isolated from the rest of the county for extended periods of time. During these periods of isolation the residents of the Bodega Bay community must be prepared to take care of injured people until first responders are available.
To this end, Bodega Bay CERT has provisioned 12 emergency sheds to provide on site-materials to treat injured people during emergencies. The primary emergency we expect to cause injuries and damage is an earthquake.
These sheds are intended to allow primary treatment of injured people until first responders can get to them. These sheds are located in neighborhoods on sites that are easily accessible during a disaster. Some of the sheds have clear areas nearby suitable for landing a helicopter.
Each shed has a team of local volunteers trained to search the neighborhood to locate persons who need help. Each shed neighborhood is divided into search zones and a team of at least two people search each zone and report problems they find to the shed captain.
To facilitate reporting by shed teams, there is a portable radio for each team and a base station at each shed to allow the shed captain to report the search team findings to the EOC at the fire house. The above photo shows a typical shed with the doors open.
On the top shelf are six backpacks, three orange and three green. The orange backpacks contain all of the first aid supplies carried by a search team and the green backpacks contain all of the search maps, radios and forms on which to record their findings. Behind the backpacks are supplies needed to set up a shelter and prepare to triage any wounded people until first responders can get to them.
The 12 Bodega Bay Area Sheds
Old Town BB/The Village
Salmon Creek
Bayflat Rd
Sereno Del Mar
North Harbour (Seaway)
Puerto Bodega
Ranch Road