Call 9-1-1 of you are having a medical emergency

What happens when you call 9-1-1?
According to a dispatch professional that Chief Sean Grinnell spoke to,
"We are EMD and EFD certified to provide crews with specific information. In addition, we help callers prepare for crews and provide instructions to care for the patient until help arrives. We also put the callers mind at ease while they are waiting."
The website 911.gov contains information about what happens when you call or text 911 along with some useful tips. From the site:
Many 911 call centers follow protocols that guide callers through a sequence of questions to quickly obtain information necessary for dispatching the right responders to the right location. Call-takers may also provide instructions about what to do until help arrives.
Click here to go the 911.gov site.
Click here for the Emergency HAM Radio Frequency list.
Sonoma Sheriff's Department: (707) 565-2511
Did you know if you are rescued by a helicopter service, you could end up with a bill of thousands of dollars that your insurance may not cover?
An option available to those in Bodega Bay is with AirMedCare Network (AMCN) that offers their Air Ambulance Membership Program for an annual fee. REACH and CALSTAR are the local air ambulance providers in Sonoma County as well as all of the surrounding counties.
Click here to download more information and the application.
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