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  • Bodega Bay Cert

Please join BB CERT and the American Red Cross to learn "Basics of Emergency Shelter Setup and Operation"

Sunday, July 7, 2-4 PM

Bodega Bay Grange Hall

1370 Bodega Av, Bodega Bay

Help Bodega Bay be ready in a disaster! Learn how to set up and operate a temporary Emergency Evacuation Shelter.

At this workshop, you’ll acquire the basic skills to:

  • Set up an Emergency Shelter

  • Use Client Registration forms

  • Maintain safety and health guidelines

If time allows, there will be a short session about assisting shelter clients

accompanied by pets and service animals. An information desk will have details

about Animal Disaster education and volunteer opportunities.

Come join your coastal community neighbors! Even if you’re not a full-time resident of Bodega Bay, these are skills you can use anywhere you find yourself in the midst of a natural disaster.

For us to plan appropriately, we need to know how many to expect. Kindly send us an RSVP to email:, using the Subject Line: July 7-Shelter RSVP

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