Join Bodega Bay CERT Monday, May 10, 2021 from 6:00PM to 7:15PM
When Earthquakes Shake, and Floods or Fires Rage, Who You Gonna Call?…9-1-1 for first responders
When everyone needs help, and first responders are overwhelmed, who is trained to help?…Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) volunteers
When the disaster hits and phone service is down, who is trained and equipped to get messages through? ...CERT HAM radio volunteers
When neighbors need information and training to help neighbors in times of disaster, where are you gonna look? www.BodegaBayCERT.Org
Bodega Bay CERT is again offering information, training, and certification for folks who wish to become CERT volunteers. Attend an introductory session on May 10 from 6:00PM to 7:15PM to learn about the new "hybrid" program that involves both online lessons and hands-on training. The program is free, and will be held by Zoom.
To join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 819 563 4354 Passcode: 123
By Phone: +1 669 900 6833
