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Bodega Bay CERT Newsletter, June 2021

Bodega Bay Cert


The May 10 CERT Program featured Geoff Peters of Northern Sonoma County CERT who spoke about the new hybrid Basic Introduction to CERT training program that is now available online and in person. Basic CERT is “gateway” training that should be taken by all folks that are new to CERT; is required to be a full-fledged CERT volunteer; and is a prerequisite for advanced CERT training in such specialty areas as CPR/AED, First Aid, animal rescue, and more. The online, FEMA-approved portion of the course is free and can be accessed through the University of Utah School of Medicine website:

Persons that have earned their FEMA Certificate of Achievement for completion of the Introduction to CERT Course should also take Hands-on Basic CERT Skills training, which is the second part of the hybrid program. Hands-on training is now being offered in Bodega Bay!

Hands-on Basic CERT Skills Saturday, July 31 8:30AM to 4:30PM at the Bodega Bay Grange.

Graduates of the Hands-on Basic CERT skills training may then select from the following (recommended but optional) hands-on Advanced CERT programs:

Advanced CPR / AED Saturday August 21 9:00AM – 12:00 noon, Grange

First Aid Saturday, August 21 1:00PM to 4:00PM, Grange

All of the hands-on classes require advance registration and proof of completion for the Introduction to CERT. For more information, see the website:

In case you missed the May 10 program, or want to see it again, click the following link: Passcode: #gxLoH1^


Also presenting on the May 10 CERT Program was Lisa Hulette of Permit Sonoma. She provided important details about the Sonoma County Multijurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan, which is required by FEMA. The public review and comment period is June 15 to 30, and includes a webinar. The Plan features an interactive hazard mapping tool that drills down to the community level, including for the greater Bodega Bay area. See the mapping tool and follow the Plan’s progress at:


Captains of the 10 emergency sheds located throughout greater Bodega Bay met virtually on May 24 to kick off a new effort to recruit CERT volunteers in the neighborhoods, and to work on shed upkeep and drills. The next meeting will be in-person on June 7 at 4:00PM at the Osprey Shed in Bodega Harbor South, and will include distribution of evacuation tags and MREs (meals ready to eat). For information, contact Beth Bruzzone,


Bodega Bay CERT will be appointing three new local volunteers to the Board of Directors. Ideal candidates will have the energy, creativity, and interest to advance CERT goals for educating and training volunteers to help neighbors to prevent or respond to disasters. Board members meet regularly to guide programs and activities. Nominations are welcome, and can be directed to any current Board member, or email to:


The large screen display that was purchased by the Fire district with CERT funding, raised with end of the year donations from our many CERT supporters, has been installed at the Fire Station. It resides in what will be the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) connected to a computer with Mapping software. It is operational now and will display location and specifics of CERT Ham radio calls related to earthquake, wildfire and tsunami events.

CERT Hams are beginning to review procedures and prepare for Wildfire season with bulletins on reporting of embers, possible fire start events such as wind related downing of trees and power poles, and any vegetative fire threats. CERT Net controllers, to be stationed at the Fire Station, will begin training in June to process radio calls for inclusion on the EOC information system large display.

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PO Box 451, Bodega Bay, CA 94923

BBCERT is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation exempt from federal tax under section 501 (c) (3 ) of the Internal Revenue Code.


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